Monday, December 27, 2010

Tell me what you want to hear.

So, I've been a slacker and forgot about my blog xD Sorry guys. But luck for you I write down what I do on another message board. Enjoy.

12/22 I let myself sleep into day, it was very necessary so that I didn't die from lack of sleep. Finished school in three hours, went into town to test drive my dad's car with him. (he um..fixed it xD) Then when I got home my trainer/B.O surprised me with a Christmas gift :) We talked for about thirty minutes before she had to leave. I ended up going to Price Chopper and spent two hours in there shopping for food. I swear I spent at least more then half of that time waited in line to check out. The good news is, it was all worth it in the end because, I got a banana smoothie. 

12/23 Went to my dad's office party, and wrapped prizes for a family in need. Had a blast, my dad's boss (haha) he was cracking me up. I'm surprised everybody remembered who I was. They even asked about Flame too :)
Came home after four hours, baby sat until my mom got home. Now I'm having some free time off. I can't wait until tomorrow, Flame's getting his Christmas present early.
My sister and brother in law came over and we  we're super board so stayed outside while it was snowing playing flash light tag for five hours. Haha, I'm amazed that nineteen year olds could have that much fun and yet be so scared. I guess I can't say anything they got me good..they popped out of a trash can xD I had a pretty good time minus the hole I fell into a ditch running up hill on a gravel road xD (Gosh, I hate bing clumsy). I didn't feel so bad though, because about an hour later, we thought we heard a car and we where on our other neighbors property(who was out of town), so we took off sister lost her shoe in the road my brother in law fell in a ditch and I did a ninja roll onto the front porch almost landing in dog poop xD(turns out there wasn't even a car coming) I'm going to be so sore tomorrow, and I have to get up early to help my trainer/B.O clean stalls. So, I'm going to bed in like ten more minutes.

Yesterday, I got up and cleaned all 23 stalls by myself. It took about three and a half hours. I didn't really mind though because after ward I spent time with Flame. He ate a hole bag of carrots! I gave him some mints but, I wanted to save those. Then I took off his lead rope and he followed me over theses jumps. So, then I trotted (jogged xD) over them and he followed me, he jumped a little awkward but, it was still adorable. I got it on video but, It was one of the first times we trotted over the jumps and I couldn't video tape the back of me. He stopped half way in the middle of the jumps. lol 

I might post the video if my internet goes fast.
Came home took a shower, went over to my dad's side of the family for Christmas eve. Drank some yummy Wassail xD Ate and all the good stuff. My sister wanted to stop at Walmart to get her Father in law something cause she forgot xD But it was closed. I guess it was also nine at night xD
Ohh well. We ended up going to CVS.

12/27Okay, I went to sit down in my computer chair, and BAM it like totally clasped to the right and I plunged to the floor face planting into my fan. The worst part I just got done working out. (what does that tell ya? xD) 

I really didn't do a hole lot today. School work, work out, went to the library  and got three SwitchFoot Cd's to download onto my iPod. Is that illegal? I don't think it would be..we pay taxes.

Song of the week - Secrets - OneRepublic