Okay so I just looked over my blog/layout and it looks pretty depressing and deep. I didn’t mean for it to turn out this way. It used to be pink and have Taylor Swift lyrics believe it or not. My thoughts are very scattered to night so I'm going to type whatever comes to my head. First of Tumblr is going really slow. I want to take my car out for a drive but no. I just got back from mowing the lawn for two and a half hours. PLEASE just let me drive my car down the freakin road parents of mine. Umm Jordan is constantly on my mind so I thought I'd throw him in there. Tomorrow I am going to the water park with Ashley and Josh. Then out for brunch with the family for my grandparents birthdays. Uhh oh yeah ealier today I went to the barn. Put a fan up in Flame's stall so he won't get so hot and sweaty. We rode in the indoor arena for like ten minutes then we both were sweating and we only trotted once. So we moved outside were there was a nice breeze. He did really good until my trainer/b.o's air conditioner came on causing him to freak and me pull really hard on his mouth to keep my balance. Poor baby :( My mom is in the shower right now. While I am waiting for her to get out so i can get in. Until then I shall smell like grass and horses. Not a bad mix..i guess.
Morgan <3