Sunday, February 13, 2011

30 day challenge (day one)

Alright so everybody on facebook is doing this "30 day challenge" and I wanted to join, but some of this stuff is personal and I didn't want any of my so called "friends" to see/read it.
The 30 day challenge is to post a photo of this list.Like example someone you miss and why do you miss them etc.
Yes, I will still be blogging of what non interesting things I did that day. (your welcome xD)

To start off day number one is a photo of yourself and fifteen facts.
three things you like about yourself and three things you wish you could change about yourself.

Things I want to change.
1.) How large my feet are.
2.) that I'm not a people person.
3.) more intelligent.

Things I like.
1.) My hair.
2.) my singing voice.
3.) my writing skills.

Ten Facts
1.) Sometimes I like to pretend I'm shooting a movie in my house and act like its a movie.
2.) I'm addicted to caffeine.
3.) I wish I could see the future.
4.) I think the day I turn sixteen, will fix everything.
5.) I can honestly say I have no idea what I want to major in college.
6.) I strive to be perfect at everything, the first time.
7.) I really like to cook.
8.) Graphic design is away to express myself and put the words in my head to images.
9.) I'm half city slicker, half country. 
10.) When i can't sleep, I write about how I can't sleep and why in my iPod blog.
11.) Soup is my favorite food.
12.) I've changed/grew up more in the last six months then i even thought was possible.
13.) I'm scared to go back to public school, afraid my old friends won't like me because I've changed.
14.) I don't really have any "good" friends I tell everything too.
15.) I really look up to this girl online, but she has no idea who i am. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Break open the sky.

K so my mother grounded me off of my phone and from JCpennys, because I was being "disrespectful". I mean I admit I was being disrespectful, but if she really wanted to punish me she would ground me off the computer for the weekend. (i hope she never ever reads this.) I feel kinda bad, yet not really and I don't know why. The hole JCpennys grounding was, because before were going to go there and I guess my mom said she was going to get be a Valentines day present, now I don't get one though.

Right now, I just got back from a drive into the town with my dad and when were listening to music and I was driving I noticed thats when I do my  best thinking. Tonight I was thinking about how I wish I could zoom forward to this very day next year and see how my life has changed or how much I have changed. 

I don't really have the much to say tonight. sorry guys.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wonderin about the road head of me.

Alright finally I can say that today wasn't a normal day. To start off with my mom and I went to LifeWay (Christan store). She was looking a photo of some sort and I went straight to the music section, seeing if Switchfoot had an album I didn't already have. ( they didn't ) After I found that out I started to just look at the selfs and took a step back and BAM my eyes landed on Toby Mac's new CD. I mean like brand new, as of it just came out yesterday <3. So, I grabbed it and started reading the back remembering all the songs I've heard of his. There was about only two songs I had already heard and rest eleven was a mystery to me. After freaking out and people giving me some looks, my mom was done (she found the picture she wanted) we checked out. Just as I thought this couldn't get any better it did! The casher lady told me Toby Mac had a new book out as well. So then again I began to freak out and needed to get home asap to look his book up on the Internet. xD

When we left the store and drove to CVS we listened to the CD. My mom told me she actually likes his music. (I wasn't surprised its Toby Mac xD). Then we ate lunch at Araby's and went home. Pretty good day if I do say so myself and I didn't have school today. I have till September to finish all of it, I do want a Summer though. About a week ago I counted how many lessons I had left then counted how many days it would take me to do them and if I counted right, I should get out May nineteenth. The local school had about a week and a half of snow days and I didn't take any of them off considering I want to get off school for the Summer ASAP. Did I mention the fact that May is my favorite month? Number one My birthday, this year I'll be sixteen and my birthday falls on Friday the thirteenth xD. Number two schools out for the next four months, Number three the weather is amazing and summer is in the next month. :)
Hurry up May :D

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More then just okay.

Normal day again.. nothing much to say.
I guess I did watch the new Alice and Wonderland. It was one of those movies were you have to keep remembering what happened in the first one. ( i haven't seen the first one in like six plus years ) It was hard to really understand what was going on. Toward the end though it was like WOW! this is a pretty good movie.
Its hard to take it all in at times. I watched it in HD and it was awesome, breath taking graphics. It amazes me how far we've came in tectonically. :) It also makes me wonder what they're going to come up with in the future.

Here's a poem I wrote today. Or I guess metaphor.

Ferris Wheel
The center of a ferris wheel that holds piece together, is like my heart. 
The wires that stable everything, is like the ones I love.
If one of those wires breaks, the connection is lost forever. 
Sure it can be fixed, bit it will never be the same. 
Lastly the carts that holds the passengers, is like all the memories.
When its all broken down and old the carts are the most valuable. 
And the passengers, are like the time. 
Soon before you realize it the rides over. 
(c) Morgan Allthefadingmemories INC. 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stay here a little while.

Today, was once again normal and boring. School, lunch, more school, make dinner baby sit and finally relax :)

I also worked on my story and finished chapter one. I know its not hole lot but, still I think its turning out pretty good. The name for my story is "1940 love story". It might change, but I've been calling it that for so long..I'm just not sure yet.
My point of the story is not to distract you from the title or by naming chapters its to keep it simple so you the readers can in brace and focus on the story it self.
I'm one of those writers that when I write things they just come to me, so basically this story is in folding in my head as fas as I can type it! Sure, I have a few notes remembering the scenes I need to type. (like the main plot)
I'm thinking about starting chapter two, tonight. Ahh I'm so excited :D My goal by the end of the year is to have this story done and maybe get it sent in to a few publishers. *cross fingers*
Until then I shall keep writing. :)

Night <3.

So, my mom just came in my room asking if I wanted to go some where this weekend. Of course I asked where and she said like over to my aunts house or my grandparents. I'm not up for it though. Yeah i love my aunt/cousins and grandparents. But I was thinking more along the lines of spending the night at my Trainer/B.O's house..but the problem is, I think its super rude to ask someone if they can spend the night at your house when you haven't even invited them. Oh and the fact maybe I haven't seen her or Flame in like a month :/ I'm guessing that rules out that plan.
I do want to get out of the house and spend the night somewhere. Its just all the places here are to close to home or they're just not my idea of "getting away".
My perfect idea of "getting away" would be, taking a long road trip up to Nebraska/Iowa. It would be raining and thunder storming as I looked out the window and pretend I was riding Flame bareback (no saddle)  out in the open fields. Or shooting a movie on Flame in the rain and something sad was happening. All while I listen to music that fit the seen and played it over and over again. Until I got sick of it and could some how I could flash back home grab Flame and ride out an open field bareback, with it still raining but the sun was shinning. Needless to say that idea came to when I was really doing all of that minus the hole flashing back and riding into the sunset xD
I remember perfectly! It was last August and we were driving up to Nebraska/Iowa for my dads business trip and on the way back home there was this HUGE thunder storm and I was riding in the back seat like any other fifteen year old dreading when I got back the first day of school. So , of course I was listening to a sad song already. And the rain + music + moving across the field = <333. In fact I loved it sooooo much I ask my parents if for my sixteenth birthday we could drive up to Nebraska/Iowa. I know they can't make it rain but, I pray it does super hard and my iPods will never die.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I Never knew.

Nothing really interesting was going on today. Woke up drank a cup of coffee like normal, did school from ten to two. Todays classes were pretty short, I ended up not even having History. (there simply wasn't a video for that day.) I had a quiz in Science and another in Geography.
When I got done with school both of parents went to work. Therefore I had the hole house to myself. I watched TV and ate pizza for about two hours. Got on the computer for a while and just hung out, until my dad came home and I made dinner for us.
Oh yes and earlier this morning I called the 4-H center and asked a few questions. I'm really thinking about joining.  Even though I wouldn't be able to compete in the fair, because I didn't sign up last August. Actually I'm fine with that considering I don't think either Flame nor I am ready. I haven't talked to my trainer/B.O about showing him this fall in the competitive trail riding. I also haven't seen her or Flame in a month. :/ I've been super busy with school/family not to mention the weather hasn't helped much. it said we are suppose to get a few inches on Wednesday. *sigh* I guess we will see.

Lost - Michael Buble <3
such a sweet song. :) I clam this my break up song (when i have one xD)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pickles, were the highlight of my day.

So, I'm sure most of you have heard the Steelers lost. Not by much though might I add.

Today, I went over to my cousins house a few house before the game. We ate hung out and watched the show before the Super Bowel. My second cousins also came over, which I was stoked to see them :) I stayed until the fourth quarter then had to go home. I finished watching the game with Sweetpea and ate almost a hole jar of pickles <3
The half time game, um was very disappointing...The Black eyed peas were terrible, Usher was lip singing most of the time. URGH it makes me super mad, I guess the good live performers are hard to come by theses days considering the technology we have. :/ 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Every single dream i dream.

I'm going to make this a fast blog, because I don't fee like writing that much tonight.
With that being said, last night my dad told me he was thinking about getting a Wii. To tell you the truth I thought it was going to be something more important or i don't know what I thought. Who knows if we will end up getting one.

Today, I went out on some errands with my dad, nothing important..until we stopped by the AT&T store and I was allowed to get a new phone. :D And I picked out The Pantech, its so cute almost like a black berry. I ended up getting two covers for it one is purple and the other is black. I choose the black one, because it has this super cool design on back.
Later this evening I watched Social Network, it was over all pretty good, a little hard to follow at first.

Now, I'm just going to veg out on the computer and sob (not really), but my parents are shutting off the internet at like midnight so I can't listen to Pandora anymore on my iPod :/
Time to start ordering CDs again from the Library.

Ohh and the super bowel is tomorrow..GO STEELERS <3 (just sayin)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fifty thousand feet above me.

I know, I haven't wrote in a while, but I honestly have nothing interesting to say and still don't.
Lately I've just been writing like crazy in role play games (about three hole pages a day) and songs. The song writing is a little harder then just writing. You have to make things rhyme and sometimes they don't always make since to others or to me for that matter. When I do write songs the lines come to me at odd time threw out the day. Like when I'm fixing my hair, listening to music, cooking etc. So, there for in order not to forget anything I keep my iPod in my pocket and write it down on the note pad app. Then when the days all gone I take thoses writing and copy them into word. Right now I just finished a song and have left over lyrics I haven't used. Sometimes I've been noticing the songs will range from, break ups (and i haven't even had one xD) to how terrible I'm feeling or things that make the world go around.

Tonight after I'm done doing "homework" (blogging xD) My dad said he had something to tell me, but he didn't want to tell me in case I got detracted or something like that. I think we might go somewhere, considering I haven't been out of the house in like almost a week. Half of the time it wasn't my fault, two days we all were snowed in.  They called it "The Blizzard of 2011", ever creative if you ask me. Anyway, the other times I had to stay home and babysit, do school or just didn't feel like going anywhere. Well thats not true I feel like going somewhere but have no place to go. As you can tell I'm sitting here on the computer on a Friday night :/
I might come back and blog what my dad had to tell me or if things have changed. I don't see blogging everyday..there just is simply no reason to.

My song I just finished. I know its a bit on the short side, but I kinda had writers block.
The idea of this song is to have it be a slow, I'm-having-a-moment kinda thing.
“Keep it to yourself”
Lay your head on your pillow tonight
Pull the cover up tight
Even though the sun us shinin
All there ever seems to be is rain

Keep it to yourself
Hold on
This rode won’t last to long
There’s a war goin on

Sleep tight tonight
Quiver and shake the fears away
Wipe the tears, today’s the day to

Keep it to yourself
Hold on
This rode won’t last to long-g
There’s a war goin on
Sleep tight tonight

Turn off the lights, turn up the music, take a breath
The view is blurry
No way to see I’m in a hurry
The only sight is black and white

Keep it to yourself
Hold on
This ride won’t last to long
Just go along
(C)Morgan. All the Fading Memories INC 2011.

Oh and I think I might be getting a cold. :(