Lately I've just been writing like crazy in role play games (about three hole pages a day) and songs. The song writing is a little harder then just writing. You have to make things rhyme and sometimes they don't always make since to others or to me for that matter. When I do write songs the lines come to me at odd time threw out the day. Like when I'm fixing my hair, listening to music, cooking etc. So, there for in order not to forget anything I keep my iPod in my pocket and write it down on the note pad app. Then when the days all gone I take thoses writing and copy them into word. Right now I just finished a song and have left over lyrics I haven't used. Sometimes I've been noticing the songs will range from, break ups (and i haven't even had one xD) to how terrible I'm feeling or things that make the world go around.
Tonight after I'm done doing "homework" (blogging xD) My dad said he had something to tell me, but he didn't want to tell me in case I got detracted or something like that. I think we might go somewhere, considering I haven't been out of the house in like almost a week. Half of the time it wasn't my fault, two days we all were snowed in. They called it "The Blizzard of 2011", ever creative if you ask me. Anyway, the other times I had to stay home and babysit, do school or just didn't feel like going anywhere. Well thats not true I feel like going somewhere but have no place to go. As you can tell I'm sitting here on the computer on a Friday night :/
I might come back and blog what my dad had to tell me or if things have changed. I don't see blogging everyday..there just is simply no reason to.
My song I just finished. I know its a bit on the short side, but I kinda had writers block.
The idea of this song is to have it be a slow, I'm-having-a-moment kinda thing.
“Keep it to yourself”
Lay your head on your pillow tonight
Pull the cover up tight
Even though the sun us shinin
All there ever seems to be is rain
Keep it to yourself
Hold on
This rode won’t last to long
There’s a war goin on
Sleep tight tonight
Quiver and shake the fears away
Wipe the tears, today’s the day to
Keep it to yourself
Hold on
This rode won’t last to long-g
There’s a war goin on
Sleep tight tonight
Turn off the lights, turn up the music, take a breath
The view is blurry
No way to see I’m in a hurry
The only sight is black and white
Keep it to yourself
Hold on
This ride won’t last to long
Just go along
(C)Morgan. All the Fading Memories INC 2011.
Oh and I think I might be getting a cold. :(
Oh and I think I might be getting a cold. :(