Alright so everybody on facebook is doing this "30 day challenge" and I wanted to join, but some of this stuff is personal and I didn't want any of my so called "friends" to see/read it.
The 30 day challenge is to post a photo of this list.Like example someone you miss and why do you miss them etc.
Yes, I will still be blogging of what non interesting things I did that day. (your welcome xD)
To start off day number one is a photo of yourself and fifteen facts.
three things you like about yourself and three things you wish you could change about yourself.
Things I want to change.
1.) How large my feet are.
2.) that I'm not a people person.
3.) more intelligent.
Things I like.
1.) My hair.
2.) my singing voice.
3.) my writing skills.
Ten Facts
1.) Sometimes I like to pretend I'm shooting a movie in my house and act like its a movie.
2.) I'm addicted to caffeine.
3.) I wish I could see the future.
4.) I think the day I turn sixteen, will fix everything.
5.) I can honestly say I have no idea what I want to major in college.
6.) I strive to be perfect at everything, the first time.
7.) I really like to cook.
8.) Graphic design is away to express myself and put the words in my head to images.
9.) I'm half city slicker, half country.
10.) When i can't sleep, I write about how I can't sleep and why in my iPod blog.
11.) Soup is my favorite food.
12.) I've changed/grew up more in the last six months then i even thought was possible.
13.) I'm scared to go back to public school, afraid my old friends won't like me because I've changed.
14.) I don't really have any "good" friends I tell everything too.
15.) I really look up to this girl online, but she has no idea who i am.