Friday, June 17, 2011

Hello Hurricane, you can't silence my love.

Again sorry for the lack of posting, I've been threw a roller coaster of whats called life. Lets start off with after I lied to my parents about being at Nathan's and Jordan's, I snuck out with Whitney out the basement door and we talked for about five minutes or less until we heard a toe truck coming for her car. So we both took off running to her car and she ran like half way down the gravel road we're her car was. I stood there at the edge of our property and the road my eyes were like deers just gazing at her shadow like figure moving and the high lights of the truck. I freaked out and was sure I would some how get caught that night so I took off running as fast as I could back to the basement door and up to my room. Where I lied in bed texting her and fell asleep. Woke up the next morning to a clear skies and ready for a full day of work. The next few days went by slow, until  June 7th were my mom and dad found out I snuck out. My father broke my phone in half and knocked the henges off my door. They took my desktop and iPod put them in a box and stuffed them in the back of my dad's car. They also took my car away, but they ended up getting it fixed anyway. Tonight I just got my desk top back and my car :) So YAYA. Although my dad is considering shuting off the internet and not even having cell phones. Which scares the crap out of me. If I don't have the internet I will die, I repeats WILL die. My phone I could careless, yet not because how would I be able to call someone if my car broke down or if I get raped in a parking lot? Maybe I just have really bad anxiety. I don't know what to think any how.

Tonight I just got back from spending the night with my trainer/B.O. It was such a blast!! My friends also stayed the night one night and I stayed a extra night. It was such an amazing feeling waking up and looking outside right to the barn. Although the  best part was seeing Flame's papers and my trainer/B.O got me copies of it. And holy molely Flames show name isn't "Tame The Flame" its "Tame The Fame". I was shocked so this means his barn name should have been Fame not Flame. lol I think Flame fits him muchhhh better. I also got to see a photo of when he was baby colt. HE WAS ADORABLE. That little white nose, so cute XD I'm obsessed with him if you couldn't tell. I feel like every time I go out there our relationship just grows. Pretty soon its gonna be a full bloomed rose. Until then I will work on his additude. My trainer/B.O also said he has so much talent! Also if we show it will be the first show for the both of us :D He's just something else, I couldn't live without. Tomorrow I get to go back out there and work all day. Ohh and we also got a new boarder today. She toured the barn and BAM she wanted to bring her horse out asap. So I'm excited to meet Rocky the new horse and his owner.

As for right now I'm going to read my bible and read "Power of a praying teen" :) Then listen to my iPod until i fall asleep. As much as I loved being at the barn and all. There still is no place like home. I know SweetPea missed me thats for sure. She's snuggling on my lap keeping me warm. Even though its like 80 outside and muggy. lol

Good Night.
Morgan Elizabeth <3