Friday, December 31, 2010

All My Secrets

In two hours, and twenty five minutes it will be 2011.
I'm not going to lie, I don't have high hopes for it. The last two years have sucked so much, why should this one be any different? The way I look at it is another year of the same old crap, the same old heart ache. Right now my family wants me to go shoot off fire works with them. I'm just not into it, whats the point of celebrating disappointment?
Thats not to say I'm not gonna try and make improvement. Its just that I doubt keeping any of them. Last year I can't remember any of my new years resolutions. So, there for I know I kept none of them.

My new years resolutions. 2011
1.)Be caught up in every class.
2.)Enjoy learning.
3.)Not much.
4.)Honestly try my best.
5.) Self discipline.
1.)Be nicer to them.
2.)Have more patients.
3.)Don't get angry.
4.)Have self control.
2.) generally like them
3.)Ditch my old ones
1.)Get in shape.
2.)Get Driving licenses.
3.)Not wreck my car.
4.)Be happy
5.)Be hopeful for the new year.
6.)Get a job.
7.)Less computer time. (I'm keeping this one....)
1.)Train Flame more.
2.)Enter competitive trail riding.
3.)Gain better balance.
4.) co lease him.

Tomorrow will be 2011.

I'm turning sixteen in 2011.
I'm so really ready for that.
May couldn't come any sooner.I pray we don't move.
I hope I have a better year, then the rest.
Maybe by the end of next year, I'll be a hole different person.
Maybe by the end of next year, I'll feel like I've accomplished something.
maybe ...just maybe I'll be happy.

Until then I shall bring in the new year by myself, in my room on the computer.
goodbye 2010...if only it could have been better.
Dear 2011,
I pray that let this year be my year. please? 

Is this the new year? Or just another night?
Is this the new fear? Or just another fright?
Is this the new tear? Or just another desperation?