Thursday, December 9, 2010

Today is all you got now.

My sister and her husband came over, to just hang out for a while. I did a hole bunch of school work. That was my day. As of right now, for the rest of my evening, I will grab something to eat, obsess over music, watch TV and if I'm lucky drive.(Ilikedriving)
 I honestly have nothing new to tell you guys. Although Monday I did ride Flame bare back. At first her was suborn, but after a while he was good. I walked around the arena on the ground with the lead rope over his withers, and he just followed me xD After a while I wondered what he would do if i trotted, so I trotted (jogged) over a pole in the sand. Flame, started trotting and was so focused on following me that he tried to jump the pole. He looked so awkward(by awkward I mean adorable). Anyway it made my week.
Tomorrow, I'm starting my choirs at noon so, thank goodness I don't have to get up at 7am anymore. I might ride Flame, well have to see though. Then on Friday I might go to a clinic at the barn. (Morgan = excited)

Just an little FYI, my blog titles are either from song lyrics or something that popped into my head.

New layout as you can see, I think I'm going to keep this one for a while, its elegant, yet simple.(thanks Whit)