Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stay here a little while.

Today, was once again normal and boring. School, lunch, more school, make dinner baby sit and finally relax :)

I also worked on my story and finished chapter one. I know its not hole lot but, still I think its turning out pretty good. The name for my story is "1940 love story". It might change, but I've been calling it that for so long..I'm just not sure yet.
My point of the story is not to distract you from the title or by naming chapters its to keep it simple so you the readers can in brace and focus on the story it self.
I'm one of those writers that when I write things they just come to me, so basically this story is in folding in my head as fas as I can type it! Sure, I have a few notes remembering the scenes I need to type. (like the main plot)
I'm thinking about starting chapter two, tonight. Ahh I'm so excited :D My goal by the end of the year is to have this story done and maybe get it sent in to a few publishers. *cross fingers*
Until then I shall keep writing. :)

Night <3.

So, my mom just came in my room asking if I wanted to go some where this weekend. Of course I asked where and she said like over to my aunts house or my grandparents. I'm not up for it though. Yeah i love my aunt/cousins and grandparents. But I was thinking more along the lines of spending the night at my Trainer/B.O's house..but the problem is, I think its super rude to ask someone if they can spend the night at your house when you haven't even invited them. Oh and the fact maybe I haven't seen her or Flame in like a month :/ I'm guessing that rules out that plan.
I do want to get out of the house and spend the night somewhere. Its just all the places here are to close to home or they're just not my idea of "getting away".
My perfect idea of "getting away" would be, taking a long road trip up to Nebraska/Iowa. It would be raining and thunder storming as I looked out the window and pretend I was riding Flame bareback (no saddle)  out in the open fields. Or shooting a movie on Flame in the rain and something sad was happening. All while I listen to music that fit the seen and played it over and over again. Until I got sick of it and could some how I could flash back home grab Flame and ride out an open field bareback, with it still raining but the sun was shinning. Needless to say that idea came to when I was really doing all of that minus the hole flashing back and riding into the sunset xD
I remember perfectly! It was last August and we were driving up to Nebraska/Iowa for my dads business trip and on the way back home there was this HUGE thunder storm and I was riding in the back seat like any other fifteen year old dreading when I got back the first day of school. So , of course I was listening to a sad song already. And the rain + music + moving across the field = <333. In fact I loved it sooooo much I ask my parents if for my sixteenth birthday we could drive up to Nebraska/Iowa. I know they can't make it rain but, I pray it does super hard and my iPods will never die.