Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wonderin about the road head of me.

Alright finally I can say that today wasn't a normal day. To start off with my mom and I went to LifeWay (Christan store). She was looking a photo of some sort and I went straight to the music section, seeing if Switchfoot had an album I didn't already have. ( they didn't ) After I found that out I started to just look at the selfs and took a step back and BAM my eyes landed on Toby Mac's new CD. I mean like brand new, as of it just came out yesterday <3. So, I grabbed it and started reading the back remembering all the songs I've heard of his. There was about only two songs I had already heard and rest eleven was a mystery to me. After freaking out and people giving me some looks, my mom was done (she found the picture she wanted) we checked out. Just as I thought this couldn't get any better it did! The casher lady told me Toby Mac had a new book out as well. So then again I began to freak out and needed to get home asap to look his book up on the Internet. xD

When we left the store and drove to CVS we listened to the CD. My mom told me she actually likes his music. (I wasn't surprised its Toby Mac xD). Then we ate lunch at Araby's and went home. Pretty good day if I do say so myself and I didn't have school today. I have till September to finish all of it, I do want a Summer though. About a week ago I counted how many lessons I had left then counted how many days it would take me to do them and if I counted right, I should get out May nineteenth. The local school had about a week and a half of snow days and I didn't take any of them off considering I want to get off school for the Summer ASAP. Did I mention the fact that May is my favorite month? Number one My birthday, this year I'll be sixteen and my birthday falls on Friday the thirteenth xD. Number two schools out for the next four months, Number three the weather is amazing and summer is in the next month. :)
Hurry up May :D