Saturday, April 30, 2011

Shake it to the moon.

I officially have a farmers tan xD I was outside mowing and weed waking at the barn to day. I'm so super tired, so I'm giving you a heads up this post is going to be short. Here are some made things i want to share with you guys. Number one, my birthday is in 12 days. Here I come Sweet sixteen :D Number two, I will be working with Lighting (aka: pony face) this Summer. His owner no longer will have time to train him. I think he's only five as well. So, he and I have some work to do. Number three, Yes Flame is still going to be my baby. After all I am leasing him xD I groomed him today as well.
Okay so goodnight, I'm going to pee and listen to music with my windows open until I fall asleep. I also rearranged my room to where yo can lay in bed and look up at the stars!